Job Posting

Job Opening Information School Bus Driver

Application Deadline

Position Title
School Bus Driver
Required Application Type
Teacher / Admin
Salary/Pay Scale
Minimum $22/hr per WNIEA contract
Job Description

School Bus Drivers

Three Positions Available at 5.5 hours/day, 27.5 hours/week

One Position Available at 6 hours/day, 30 hours/week


SALARY: Minimum $22.00/hour per WNIEA contract of agreement.  WNIEA contract additionally provides for FREE Health Insurance immediately upon hire.


Waterloo School District is in compliance with the United States Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Title IX Educational Amendment of 1972, Part 86, and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.  The School District provides equal employment opportunity to all individuals and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, creed, national origin, disability, marital status, sexual orientation, gender, military/veteran status, genetic status, prior criminal record, or victim of domestic violence. 

Civil Service Title
School Bus Driver
Job Qualifications

Knowledge of driving safety practices and traffic laws and regulations; ability to operate a bus under difficult driving and road conditions; ability to make minor repairs to the vehicle; ability to understand and follow simple oral and written directions; Demonstrated ability to effectively manage children's behavior while earning their respect; mechanical aptitude; mental alertness; dependability;.

Must have CDL with B, P, and S endorsements.  Ability to pass Background Check, Minimum 21 Years of age.  Physical condition commensurate with the demands of the position.

Application Procedure

Apply online  Please scroll down to the Job Bank Section to apply for this title. On the application’s “General Information” tab you will be asked “Please indicate the municipality (Town, Village, School or Seneca County) that you wish your application to be sent, if applicable”.  Please enter Waterloo School or WCSD as your response.      


Questions may be referred to the Transportation Office at 315-539-1515. 

Job Category
Job Location

You cannot apply for this position online. Please see instructions included in the job posting.

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